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Online/Offline Status

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 21:36 pm
by Biney59
I'm pretty sure that everyone has noticed that in mIRC (with this MSN plugin). When someone goes offline of online, it always tells you in the channel or room that you are in. Well does anyone know how to stop this, because it is pretty anoying.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 21:59 pm
by BloodyLoony
It's in line 176 in my msn.mrc...

echo -a 7 $+ $gettok(,4-,32) has logged on.

just put a semicolon (;) at the start of that line to stop the script from doing it.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 22:08 pm
by Biney59
That is all I needed. Thanks Man!