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Conversation improvements

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 10:14 am
by BloodyLoony
After ended conversation I don't always close the window (especially because I have all windows inside mIRC). But ppl using messenger do and thise appears: "Mr X has left the conversation (closed the window)" and that info is fine, but what then happens is the script tries to open the connection again since I haven't close my connection, and this message appears: "Mr X has joined the conversation" and thise repeats itself over and over :(

I know (well, think) the rejoining of conversation has something to do with the fact that a conversation has to be "open" before messages can be transferred, but couldn't the joining of conversation only be joined when I type (or maybe only send the message).
Then the message would have to be saved in some kind of buffer until the connection was fully established.
Also sometimes problems occur where the window is open but the connection can't be established and everything I write never arrives to the person. :(

Would love to see some improvement on this, and thanks for a nice script, andyc! :D

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 13:10 pm
by andyc
I plan to fix this in the next few weeks, I am working on a new version now :)
