Posts 8 comments on tl;dr complete version 1 build summary

tl;dr complete version 1 build summary

There are a lot of posts to trawl through in this blog if you’ve not followed it from the beginning. Hopefully this summary makes everything a bit clearer…

The first thing I did was to have a look at other cat tracking products on the market.  I found that they all have a big flaw… battery life.  I wanted GPS level accuracy and a battery life measured in months.  Nothing on the market offered that, so it was down to me to design it!

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Posts 5 comments on Comparing compilers: CCS C and Microchip XC8

Comparing compilers: CCS C and Microchip XC8

Now that I’ve got CatTrack working, I’ve been having a look at refining the code.  As I previously mentioned, I am using the CCS C compiler, basically because the ‘paid for’ version of their compiler is significantly cheaper than Microchip’s XC8 ‘paid-for’ version.  I did begin to wonder though, just how much bigger would my code be, and how much slower would it run if I used the free version of Microchip’s XC8 compiler?

This is what the Memory usage currently looks like in the PIC16LF18345, compiled with CCS C:

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